On Sunday, September 22, 2019, in the music room of the Art Museum V.V. Vereshchagin held the first meeting of the 31st season of the Mykolaiv Pushkin Club. The meeting is dedicated to the prophetic book of two prominent poets and honorary members of our club since its inception, Dmitro Kremin’ and Vladimir Puchkov, “Two Shores”, who unfortunately prematurely and almost simultaneously left this world. The evening was attended by Taras and Olga Kremin’, members of the Mykolaiv Writers’ Union of Ukraine, Mykolaiv “Prosvita” them. M.M. Arcas and everyone. Musician Olga Petrenko and composer Irina Stepanova-Borovskaya provided musical accompaniment to the meeting. The evening announced the program of the club for the 31st season.